
Why Are Smoothies Healthy For You

Tasty & Nutrient Packed Smoothies!

Smoothies are healthy for you because it is a blended creamy beverage packed with nutrients. We all know that to lose weight we have to eat less and need to eat foods that are high in nutrients, but lower in calories. If the food taste great and keep us full for hours on end, that’s an added bonus. It’s also what makes smoothies the perfect “food” to help you eat healthier and lose a few pounds. Let’s examine how smoothies can help us reach our nutritional goals.

Smoothies are healthy for you because :

  • Smoothies Can Boost Your Health
  • Smoothies Can Be Easily Customized
  • Smoothies Can Be Delectable

Smoothies Can Boost Your Health

Smoothies Can Help You Eat Healthier

Smoothies can boost your health in 5 amazing ways :

Smoothies Are Nutrients Packed

You can pack a lot of nutrients in your smoothies by adding things like fresh or frozen berries, various other fruits and of course plenty of dark leafy greens. Use coconut water instead of plain water to get the consistency you like while adding a lot of minerals and electrolytes to your smoothies.

Smoothies Can Be Filling & Low In Calories

Use a lot of leafy greens including spinach, kale, and chard for a smoothie that’s low in calories, but high in fiber. Cucumbers, peppers, and even tomatoes are also great green smoothie additions that will fill you up without much added sugar. Use fruit sparingly and stick to low sugar varieties like berries for best results.

The Versatility Of Smoothies

One of the beautiful things about making smoothies is that you can add whatever you like to them. If you know your other meals for the day are low in protein, add a scoop of protein powder to your meal. If you’re lacking in healthy fats, use half an avocado and some flax seed meal in your smoothies. Mix and match ingredients to fill any nutritional holes you may have and always be sure to add plenty of greens and a serving or two of fruits.

Quick & Easy Smoothies Preparation

Healthy meal prep doesn’t get any easier than making a smoothie. Pick your ingredients, measure as needed, and put it in the blender. Blend and pour and you’re ready to go. Even clean-up is a snap with nothing more than a quick rinse, then blending a bit of hot water and soap to clean out the smoothie maker. The only dishes left to clean are the glass you poured your smoothie in and possibly the knife you used to chop up your produce.

Smoothies Taste Great

Last but not least, smoothies taste great and that’s a good thing. Sure, not every smoothie will be a big hit, but a little trial and error will help you find a few favorites that you don’t mind drinking week after week. Overall, they will make a delicious and nutritious addition to your healthy diet.

Smoothies Can Be Easily Customized

Mix + Match = Creating The Smoothies You Love!

Smoothies can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet. This is because you can easily customize smoothies to fit your tastes. But every once in a while you mix up a smoothie, or come across a recipe that just doesn’t appeal to your taste buds. That’s ok, not everyone is a lover of kale in their green smoothies for example. Truthfully,  you may not be a fan of green smoothies at all. Maybe it’s the texture, maybe it’s the bitter flavor of kale or just the green color. And that’s ok. Green smoothies that rely mainly on greens and other low sugar veggies are an acquired taste.

Maybe you’re not a big fan of bananas, or peaches, or milk products. The beautiful thing about smoothies is that there’s a smoothie out there for everyone, no matter what your taste or your dietary restrictions. All it takes is a little experimentation of recipes and you’ll find some smoothie recipes and combinations that you’ll love.

 Mixing and matching your favorite beneficial foods are the key to smoothie success. For example, you may love strawberries and you also know that you should be eating more greens. Mix  frozen strawberries along with a few hands full of spinach, and some orange juice for a delicious blended smoothie that’s also good for you.

If you’re new to making smoothies, start with a few simple recipes. By using the few recipes you would see what you like and what you don’t like with a particular smoothie combination. Get a feel for the type of smoothie you enjoy. That will help you gather some important information. You may learn that you enjoy a thick and creamy smoothie that includes yogurt and frozen fruit. And maybe you find that you don’t like kale in your smoothies because of the texture it gives your green smoothies. Or maybe you would discover that you’re not a big fan of pineapple. That’s ok too.

The key to coming up with smoothies you love is to learn what you like and what you don’t like and then starting with existing recipes, replace what you don’t like with similar things you do like. Not a big fan of kale? Replace it with a different leafy green like spinach or chard. Don’t like pineapple? Use peach or even strawberry instead.

Figure out what you like and then start experimenting. Before long you won’t need a recipe to make your smoothies. You just grab things that you know will go together well and blend them up. You’ll use up veggies and fruits that need using up in your daily smoothie. You’ll branch out and down the line you may find that you actually do like kale, provided you blend it long enough in a powerful blender so you don’t end up with little kale chunks in your smoothie. Mix and match and don’t be surprised to find that your taste preferences change over time as your body and your taste buds get used to real food.

Smoothies Can Be Delectable

Healthy Smoothies That Are Milkshake Tasty

Smoothies can be as delectable as a milkshake. Who doesn’t love a good milkshake? Did you know that you can make a healthy smoothie that tastes as good as a milkshake? With a few simple recipe changes this is certainly a possibility . You’ll even end up with an icy, thick beverage that’s just as tasty while adding a lot of nutritional benefits. These delectable smoothies make the perfect treat when you want a smoothie that’s delicious and healthy. 

Start with frozen fruit to create the delectable smoothies. Strawberries, blueberries, peaches, and bananas make great frozen fruit choices when you’re making a healthy smoothie that resembles a milkshake. Put the frozen fruit in your blender along with a little milk or yogurt. Vanilla flavored yogurt will add some extra sugar, but also a lot of flavor and body. Alternatively, use a bit of plain yogurt, even Greek yogurt and either enough ripe fruit to sweeten the smoothie or a little natural sweetener like agave or maple syrup, or even a dash of stevia. Blend it all up, going light on the milk and adding just enough to get the consistency you like.

Frozen banana blended with milk and a little vanilla extract tastes and feels very much like vanilla ice cream. It’s a great base for a smoothie that reminds you of a milk shake. Add some other frozen fruits like strawberry, peaches, and even pineapple for a delicious treat.

Of course you don’t have to stick to only fruit. Avocado is a surprisingly tasty and nutritious addition to any creamy smoothie. It will give you that creamy, smooth flavor and texture. For something similar to a chocolate milkshake, try blending avocado, cocoa powder, banana, ice and a bit of milk. Of course you can use rice milk, almond milk, soy milk or any other milk like product instead of regular dairy.

Adding peanut butter also gives a lot of body and a smooth texture to your smoothies. If you like a good peanut butter chocolate shake, use the suggestions above, but add a spoon of peanut butter to the mix before you blend it all up.

Ice is another great addition to any smoothie that will thicken it up and give it that ice cream feel without any added calories. Play around with how much ice you add to your blender, and make sure you have a blender that can handle grinding down and blending in ice cubes. Go easy on the liquids and keep blending. For a thick, creamy smoothie, you need a lot less liquid than you may think. Above all, have fun, blend away, and create some yummy frozen treats.


Smoothies are convenient blended beverages packed with nutrients . Smoothies can boost your health, be easily customized to your taste and best of all, smoothies can be delectable.

Like to learn more about smoothies? Get your personal copy of my free report ‘ Make Smoothies Good For You ‘ by clicking the image below.

Make Smoothies Good For You

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